General practitioner with pharmacy
When you are in need of medical attention during your stay on Schiermonnikoog, please telephone the practice for an appointment.
In case of emergencies, visitations or first aid cases you can also contact the practice (+31519 712400). We will provide you with the necessary medical care.
Contact details
Mr L.M.A. de Vries, general practitioner with pharmacy
van Starkenborgstraat 17
9166 PL Schiermonnikoog
tel. 0031-519 712 400 (if urgent, press 1)
Opening hours
Available by phone from:
(for emergency 24 hours a day)
Monday to Friday:
08:30-9:30 am Make appointment for consultation hour, request visits
13:30-14:30 to make appointments for consultations, visits
You can contact us during call times to make an appointment for the GP or for other questions. Chronic medication is delivered to your home whenever possible or can be collected by appointment.
Counter / pharmacy open from:
Monday to Friday:
09:30-10:30 and from 14:30-15:30.
If you are a guest on the island, you can only obtain medication with a valid prescription from, for example, your own GP.
Consultation hours:
By telephone appointment only.
Weekends and holidays
12:00 Walk-in consultancy hour for emergencies that cannot wait until the next working day. You can make an appointment for this in advance by telephone between 11:00 - 12:00 at telephone number 0031-519-712400 (dial 1).
>> When visiting, do not forget your health card.