During spring, around May time, the dunes on Schiermonnikoog are covered in beautiful pink and purple colours by blossoming flowers such as orchids. In the summer sea lavender covers the salt marshes with its striking purple colour and gorgeous scent. Various flowers blossom in the dunes on the beach during
July and August such as the Parnassia and lotus plants giving the dunes a sophisticated look with their white and yellow flowers.
In the autumn mushrooms take over the island, hundreds of mushroom varieties with the most bizarre names can be found. The best months to look for mushrooms are September and October. Please don’t pick the mushrooms as some might be poisonous!
In the winter a varied selection of trees embellishes the beauty of the island’s nature. Oak and beech trees are very rare on the island, the heavy seeds of these trees are not able to cross the Waddensea. Furthermore pollinators of these trees such as squirrels and Jay birds are not found on the island.
Trees and bushes on the island such as birch and elm trees multiply though wind pollination as well as berry eating birds.
The very wide and almost meadow-like beach area on the Westside of Schiermonnikoog is getting more and more overgrown with rare plants.